Saturday, August 18, 2007

WOD 21/15/9

WOD 21/15/9

Overhead squat 65 pounds
Pull ups
Row 500 metres

My time was 20:53. 3 minutes into it I almost quit. I just was not into the workout. Probably because I'm in the middle of moving and it's the end of a 13 hour work day with moving boxes and stuff to look forward to when I get home. My right shoulder was bugging me as well. By the second round my pinky finger was going numb. I have some major knots in and around the scapula I need to get worked out by my ART guy. I was aiming for at least a 15 minute time. My lowest row was 2:03 followed by 2:11 and 2:13.

There's always next time. Hooha!

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