Monday, September 24, 2007

Deadlift WOD

I've been a bit slow on updating but here is the latest workout I did. Last I weighed myself I was down to 188.8 which was on Friday morning.


5 reps of 250 deadlift
10 box jumps

10 rounds for time.

Time: 12:50

On round 7 I decided to pull in my socks and it made a huge difference. The cramping in my right foot dissapeared.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dislocated Shoulder

I partially dislocated my left shoulder during randori in Judo on Tuesday evening.

I have yet to do any WOD's as a result. My shoulder is pretty sore and I will have to look into doing some rehab as a result of the incident.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Judo and Running

Last night I ran 4 km in 20:45. I ended up pacing too much. The good news is I wasn't winded so I had some gas left in me.

My goal is still to get 5km in under 20 mins. My weight is now down around 193.

I started up my Judo training again after a 7 month hiatus. This was due to a new son, long work hours and the transition to having two wonderful children instead of one.

The one thing I was curious to see was how my conditioning was. To my suprise, it was good. I felt strong when I was doing randori with a guy who was a brown belt and weighed 310 pounds. I call him Goliath.

My first comp is on the first week of Novemebr. I need to lose 9 pounds to get into the next weight division.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Red Bull and Vodka Workout

Yikes, after a night of red bull and vodka watching the UFC fight this morning's workout was pretty rough. I had no breakfast and was still feeling the effects of the previous night.


10 deadlifts (135 pounds)
20 overhead walking lunges (25 pound kettle bell)
10 pull ups
20 kettle bell swings (25 pound kettle bell)
200 metre run

Repeat for 5 rounds

Time: 20:15

It took me awhile to recover from this workout.